photo by NAS cohort 2022

Creator of new theater, videos, and live events

i’m a migrant body. Originally from South America, i grew up in the suburbs that was also close to a brown river, that i would usually cross to see theater, movies, and get lost in a city where millions hustle, and millions love. Then i went to study filmmaking in Tokyo, Japan. What changed wasn’t only everything around me, temporarily –but also my understanding that from then on, home woud not be a static place anymore, rather something created and cultivated with other people.

For most of my adult life i have lived in other places –not where i was born. Somewhat in exile, even though i learnt that this word is used only in extreme cases, when options to re-root in our homeland aren’t available anymore, or pose a great risk. Yet as the world changes, the meaning of words can change too. i’m a blacksmiths of meaning, an interpreter who looks at my own life from the outside to say, i’m a foreigner –no doubt about it– but in a world of systems that turn people into a means for profit, who isn’t?